Friday, February 13, 2015

Drake Releases Album!!

Drake said last year "these girls love beyonce"..obviously he does also because he pulled one last night when he surprised the world and dropped his album/mixtape "If You're Reading This It's Too Late". Now I havent finished listening to it YET!!! However as I am writing this I'm listening to this and it's not bad AT ALL!!! 

But...did y'all see what Tyga wrote about it last night!?...well if you listened to the song..
"6PM in New York" Drake says  
"I heard a lil lil homie talking reckless in vibe
Quite a platform you chose you shoulda kept it inside
Oh you tried, it's so childish calling my name on the world stage
You need to act your age and not your girl's age" 

and Tyga responded with... 

This tweet has since been deleted!!! 

More to come!! 

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