Thursday, January 28, 2016


      Just as we were leaving the close casket ceremony of Meek Mill and tucking away his obituary in the scrapbook of rap beef, I was confident that there would be no more casualties for a while. I knew we would have to deal with the occasional "loud for nothing" rapper busting shots in the air but nothing serious. It was starting to feel safe to walk the hip hop streets, THEN IT HAPPENED!!!
    With anticipation level already high for the release of Kanye West's new album, he felt the need to add to that suspense by changing the title from "SWISH" to "WAVES." Which ordinarily wouldn't be that big of a deal but Wiz Khalifa happens to be the man on that block. Wavy is a style which Wiz got from Max B, a Harlem rapper currently incarcerated, who had a significant influence on his career. Wiz took exception and let Kanye know in so many words that there would be absolutely no swagger jacking. Can't really fault him for that. Especially if Kanye is as innovative as he say he is, why would he feel the need to trespass on somebody elses' turf?
    I'm sure most of us basically chalked it up as a misunderstanding that would probably be hatched out sometime later. So while the rest of twitter continued their usual searches of funny memes and inspirational quotes, we were totally unaware that the beef was simmering. And just when we were about to comment on the whole world is flat debate...SHOTS WERE FIRED!!!
    I guess Kanye was feeling like Wiz Khalifa stepped on his Yezzy's when he tweeted

Yeap that's what I was thinking, "OK and?" But that wasn't what Kanye was thinking. He took it as an inexcusable sign of disrespect. I don't know maybe he thought Adidas through in the rights to the letter K in his new contract and felt the need to check Wiz about it with this tweet

Implying that somebody was actually thinking about Kim Kardashian. Sorry Mr. West but you're the only one with that problem. No disrespect of course. Even though I don't think Wiz was throwing shade, you make yourself and easy target when you choose to keep you and your significant other in the spotlight by all means necessary. Wiz had a somewhat justifiable explanation.

It was a justifiable one but it damn sho' wasn't a good enough one because Kanye proceeded to body him. Letting off seventeen shots (plus a few extras) into the rap career of Wiz Khalifa.

Yeah it was pretty brutal. Blood on the dance floor. Onlookers were re-tweeting, liking, and following whoever had the funniest comments about "what happened to that boy." I myself was shocked and had easily decided who the winner of this rap quarrel was. Especially when Wiz didn't really respond in a way we had expected.

He kept it gangsta and all but he was leaking pretty bad. Not only did Kanye try to son him but he voiced some really interesting tidbits about Wiz's career. Although they may have all been a matter of opinion, it was an opinion that a lot of people happen to agree with.
     So there laid Wiz, bleeding out the mouth like Cain from Menace to Society. It was over right? An overwhelmingly lopsided victory for Mr. West. NOT HARDLY!!! Guess who  comes creeping down the street in the box Chevy with the tinted windows...the improbable Amber Rose. And when she let that window down, she let off a shot heard around the world.

DAAAAAAAMMMNNN!!!!!! A dome shot right to Kanye's ego. Twitter went ballistic. Rather the tweet was true or untrue, Kanye was immediately placed in the "SUSPECT" category.   Wow, straight up  jaw dropping, nobody saw this coming. Soon after Kanye deleted his tweets claiming he wanted to promote positive energy. But it was a little too late to do the right thing now. As he laid there twitching with his brain hanging, his blood splattered all over the streets of hip hop. Amber Rose walks up and stands over him and hits him with the kill shot.

    Now im usually not one to advocate the promotion of messy drama but this one had a different feel to it. Possibly because of the highs and lows and the unexpected turn way into to left field that caught me completely off guard.  Amber Rose sent out two tweets and last time I checked those tweets were well on there way to 300K re-tweets. Not sure where this one goes from here but i'll be surprised if it comes close to what has transpired thus far. What we do know is that two rappers got bodied today, the hero happens to be a stripper and nobody had to seen bottles to Charlamagne.


  1. Not bad. Keep up the good work... spell check.

    1. Appreciate the constructive criticism...check out the new one "Honorable Mention" better?

    I think you've found your calling...keep'em coming.
