Thursday, April 28, 2016

Scotty B's Conversation With Feli Fame

On April 29, 2016 Feli Fame will have 
his highly anticipated movie/album release
[information below] 
I had the chance to talk to him about it 
and his expectations. 
Check out our conversation and if you're in the 
NYC/NJ area stop by and show some love! 

Scotty: What is EveryThing Starts From Now?

Feli: The movie is about a group of kids, one of them being me, they’re very protective over each other, kinda like how Pac was in Juice, one of the dudes gets news that his sister is in a party and she’s getting kind of wild and some dudes do something to her and he finds out.  One of the characters is really into his schoolwork when he gets this news he goes kind of crazy and that’s when he goes and seeks revenge and then boom.

Scotty: Sounds interesting

Feli: A lot of people think it’s a documentary but it’s not I just get these ideas and put them in movies and try to give them to the public.

Scotty: What was your role in the movie?

Feli: I did everything on it but I also had another Director come in also to help me figure it out but I do everything pretty much when it comes to my films, I produce, I do the casting, the locations everything.

Scotty: How difficult is it doing everything yourself? How do you manage your time?

Feli:  It’s pretty difficult but it’s fun to me at the same time but it is difficult especially when you’re trying to complete the music side of it. You come home and you’re tired from being in the studio but you still have to go home and finish writing the movie. I lock myself in my room and I just work, I sit and try to be creative as I can.  This is my second time around doing this too, my first project came with a movie too it’s called Dirty Laundry: Greed Has No Face but this is on a lot bigger scale I’m a lot more known than what I was the first time.

Scotty: I listened to your music and it’s definitely not the typical New York sound.

Feli:  I have a bunch of sounds. A lot of people don’t know I was raised in North Carolina.

Scotty: What Part?

Feli: Pembroke, North Carolina it’s not too far from Raleigh.  But people have yet too hear me the way I want to be heard, like this project will really help people to understand me, my artistry and my art.

Scotty: What is your relationship DJ Envy?

Feli:  I have a close relationship with DJ Envy he pretty much just believed in me.  It’s hard to find somebody that can really rock with your music and your movement. 

Scotty:  Are you looking to do A3C in Atlanta?

Feli:  A3C was the first festival to actually put me on the big stages. I did Red Bull stage.  I did it the first time when I just got off winning this competition called the Coors Light Search for The Coldest.  It was a competition out of the whole United States and I won 1ST place.  They gave me like 15 grand, I got trophies, I was touring with [DJ] Drama, I was touring with French Montana, Ice Cube, all these different people. 

Scotty: What are your expectations for your movie release?

Feli: To a certain extent I am nervous.  I am nervous to hear people’s reaction. 

Feli: After this one I want to do a feature film or something longer like 45mins to an hour 

Scotty:   On December 31, 2016 what will you have wanted to accomplish?

Feli: My goal now is to get my deal. I have been at it for a while independently and I love being independent but I am at the point now where it’s just becoming more and more work.  I feel like I can get a lot more done if I had that machine. I have the work to supply it. I just have to get to the right people who want to do business. 

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