Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Scotty B's Interview With Xavier Sharif

I had the opportunity to speak with Xavier Sharif 
a budding Atlanta Hip-Hop.  
In the transcript below is a just a FRACTION 
of what we actually covered but I wanted 
to keep it strictly about the music.  
I would strongly urge everyone to check the backstory
behind each song available at 
Also below you can find and listen to 
his Joyride EP.  
Oh yeah...don't forget to follow him at @XavierSharif

Q: How did you get into rapping?

Xavier: Originally I was more interested in being a singer.  I wrote my first song when I was six years old and my first musical influence was R. Kelly and my parents put me onto him really early.  When I started middle school I started getting interested into rapping and my friends and I would pass around a rhyme book but mine were more poetry because I was more interested in poetry.  One of my first favorite rap albums was 50 Cent’s Get Rich or Die Tryin’. So all of those components were like my first introduction to rap.

Q:  So can you sing?

Xavier: [Laughter] Here’s how I describe it. I don’t have any type of vocal training in how to sing.  I call it more of “crooning” but singing from the more technical background I would say no, I am trying to learn though you see what’s happening in the industry a lot of rappers and singers are doing the same thing. 

Q: So you just released an EP The Joyride, talk about how the story came about.

Xavier: The night Joyride speaks about is really two nights into one. It was in October 2015.  Those two in itself were crazy and just full of temptation.  My girlfriend and I at the time had a small break but we were still together but during that time I was very tempted looking at other women, and drinking trying to fill a void with what was happening in my relationship. But as the weeks went by it was very symbolic where my was soul and I started relating that night with my relationship God.  So The Joyride is just a metaphor.  I wanted to use my music as a journal and be really transparent.

Q: When did you feel the conviction from God?

Xavier: It was the next morning.  I actually woke up on one of my homie’s couch the next day.  I saw all the missed calls and I was thinking “I really fucked up” and I thought I was going to lose everything that I had.  That’s when I started being more reflective and started soul searching. I didn’t start writing that EP till December.  I used all of November reflecting.

Q: So what did your Girlfriend think?

Xavier: [Laughter} She was actually in some of the recording sessions.  I told her “this is real” and “I am not going to lie”

Q: So that next morning did you tell her everything that happened?

Xavier: Nah, all I told her was waking up on the couch and not doing that again and that’s all she knew until I started recording the EP.

Q:  Then what was the conversation after that?

Xavier:  She was a little upset that she had to find out on the phone.  That’s why I wanted her to be in the some of the recording sessions and some more personal things I rather not share. 

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