Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Dept. of Justice seeks Input From Americans on Trayvon Martin Case (Interesting Read!)

In an unusual move, the Justice Department announced Wednesday that it is collecting feedback from Americans for its investigation into whether to file civil rights charges against George Zimmerman.
Justice officials said the move comes “because of interest in this matter.” People can e-mail if they have thoughts on how the department should proceed.
It’s not clear how much bearing the feedback will have on the decision, which Justice officials have said will be made by “experienced federal prosecutors.”
“Unfortunately, the Department will not be able to respond to all messages received,” the department said in a statement.
Justice is currently reviewing the case to see whether it could bring civil rights charges against Zimmerman, who over the weekend was found not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter in the death of teenager Trayvon Martin. Experts doubt that such charges are warranted under the law. 
VIA: Washington Post

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