Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dope Clothing: Big October Clothing!

(dà shì yuè) 
(I guess Chinese Class did teach me something lol)

                                                                    I like this white one!!

Big October Clothing is Atlanta based clothing label via their site: "The Big October Clothing was inspired by the greatest month of the year October I'd say Germany would have to agree with me on this call (Octoberfest). The month of October brings a lot of art and design principles that can T.B.O.C incorporates into this clothing line. The Big October Clothing is also  inspired by many different types of art around the world. There are many different types of pattern, color, & designs in the world influence us to create a design greatly. T.B.O.C limited to just the month of October! We have a passion to design clothes that have never been designed before. Please watch The Big October Clothing Line grow year by year as we design plenty of creative collections"  Dont forget to follow them on twitter and check out their website! @TheBigOctober @Davidlyn2 @ProducerDraft  TheBigOctober.Com

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